The issue of political signage has been in the news a lot lately. Last weekend Covington, Ga. mayoral candidate Bobby Sigman was arrested for stealing his opponents signs. Last Monday night, dozens of NO CITY signs in the Peachtree Corners area were damaged, destroyed or stolen. While some were along roadways, most were in peoples yards tucked safely within subdivisions. Following a tv news report on the situation, some supporters of the YES side ridiculously suggested that the NO folks had destroyed their own signs in a crass attempt to gain publicity. That they even think in such devious terms should give pause to the voters of Peachtree Corners, about those who wish to lead the new city.
This past weekend, several large NO CITY signs were installed around the area. Less than 24 hours later, two of the $65 signs lay shredded. One was along Peachtree Corners Circle near Peachtree Station, the other was on Medlock Bridge Rd in a residents front yard with his permission. The YES signs just feet away were unharmed.
Unfortunately, word comes to us today that over the weekend a number of YES signs were damaged in at least one neighborhood. We will not belittle ourselves trying to claim that YES supporters damaged their own signs in a crass attempt to gain publicity for their failing campaign. Rather, the Peachtree Corners Ballot Committee would like to be on record as condemning any and all damage, destruction and theft of signs, be they YES or NO in content.
The mission of the PCBC has been to make residents aware of the upcoming vote on cityhood, and make sure they get the necessary information to make an informed choice at the ballot box. We are winning the ‘war of ideas’ in this campaign. We do not need to try to suppress the other side’s opinions. On the contrary, the more the residents learn about the ramifications of this vote, the more likely they are to oppose it. Remember, if the NO side wins this election, none of the PCBC stands to gain anything financially or politically. The organizers of the YES side can not make that claim in the event their side wins.
The residents of Peachtree Corners have the right to express their political beliefs without fear that some hoodlum will trespass on their land and damage or steal their property. If you see somebody messing with a sign of either side, report them to the police. Take a picture with your cellphone if you can. As a community we can put a stop to this foolishness.
Posted By: The Peachtree Corners Ballot Committee