Cartoon by: Ali |
The Horror: Enforcements officers span out across the city - Code enforcement companies are contracted with the city. These officers are encouraged by a compensation structure that contains incentives and is commission based. The more tickets, they write, the more money they make. Therefore, they will be out to fine, ticket and enforce violations that most of us will not realize we are committing, until it’s too late.
The Horror : Your yard is not your own - Do you have a dead tree in your yard? It’s a code violation. The charter will make us responsible for sidewalk repair in front of our homes; we could be fined if they are not maintained. You have an unapproved graduation sign in your yard – fine for you. You leave your trash can out a little too long? It’ll cost you. In Roswell a new resident was fined $15.00 because their trash container was out front, and it wasn’t collection day.
The Horror: Your time is not your own - You spend your weekend on garage sale without a permit? Hope you sold enough to pay the fine.
Fines and Permit costs will be set by the “revenue-determined” city council and the departments and authorities they appoint. This “power” and many others are granted the new city government in the Charter. Please read it and be informed.
Posted By: Louie